You’re invited to Z-Day London 2016


The Zeitgeist Movement is a global sustainability advocacy organisation who warmly invite you to attend our annual event in London this year, ZDAY.

In the last year we have seen further validation of the issues the movement has been seeking awareness and intelligent resolution of since it’s inception.

Our technological capacity to create global access abundance through the exponential increase in dematerialisation and automation continues at a staggering pace. We live in a powerful new epoch of possibility where we can elevate humanity to a new social state of peace and stability, while restoring the integrity of our shared habitat.

We also see global stagnation of employment due fundamentally to the displacing of human labour by the aforementioned advance in technology as well as a continued state of poverty and increasing wage immobility.

The global “class war” seems to be hitting epic proportions with it now estimated that 1% of the households in the UK hold more wealth than over half of the population, according to statistics from the ONS (— chapter-2–total-wealth.html).

The war on nature also continues unabated with a study by the Marine ecology progress series stating that in a business-as-usual scenario, our demands on planet Earth could mount to the productivity of 27 planets Earth by 2050 (

Due to these reasons and more, this year’s London ZDAY will emphasise the growing transition towards a post-scarcity society and on how different organisations are contributing towards moving the cultural zeitgeist into a brighter future for all humanity.

“The Path to Post-Scarcity”
TZM considers itself to be part of this social evolution and is therefore proud to host several of these organisations who seek a transition towards a sustainable socio-economic model:

Sense About Science (represented by Max Goldman)
Sense About Science works with scientists and members of the public to change the arena of public debate towards equipping people to make sense of the available science and evidence to arrive at more accurate conclusions.

Positive Money (represented by Frank Van Lerven)
Positive Money is a movement for a money and banking system that works for society and not against it, focusing primarily on the issue of money creation.

London Futurists (represented by David Wood)
The mission of London Futurists is the serious analysis of radical scenarios for the next 3-40 years with regards to the impact of technological trends on society.

Transition Town Crystal Palace (represented by Joe Duggan)
Transition Town Crystal Palace is a community-led response to climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy, running projects that reduce our carbon footprint while building local resilience, sustainability – and lots of friendships!

VocalEyes (represented by Peter Andersen)
VocalEyes is a digital tool that provides a transparent, democratic and engaging process for improving your organisation or local community.

Noomap (represented by Chris Larcombe)
Noomap is a mind-like internet technology revolutionising communication, collaboration and co-creation.

Basic Income Video
A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. A video of Federico Pistono will be showed at the event regarding this idea.

The Zeitgeist Movement UK (represented by James Phillips and Mel Marley)
TZM is a sustainability advocacy organisation which proposes the application of the scientific method for social concern and the installation of a Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy (NLRBE). James will be talking about the socio-economic model the movement proposes whilst Mel will give a talk on the psychology and effectiveness of activism.

Doors will open at 10am and will close at 5pm.

If anyone has special needs, disability requirements etc. or any other queries please contact:

This is explicitly a non-profit event.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

“It is far easier to light a candle, than to curse the darkness”
Ancient Chinese proverb


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