Saturday 25th April 2015
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London
Why ZDay? ….Why The Zeitgeist Movement?
The Zeitgeist Movement is a global sustainability advocacy organization and we warmly invite you to attend our annual event in London this year.
In the last year we have seen further validation of the issues the movement has been seeking awareness and intelligent resolution in since its inception.
Our technological capacity to create global abundance through the exponential increase in dematerialization and automation continues at a staggering pace. We live in a powerful new epoch of possibility where we can elevate humanity to a new social state of peace and stability, while restoring the integrity of our shared habitat.
We also see global stagnation of employment due fundamentally to the displacing of human labour by the aforementioned advance in technology as well as a continued state of poverty and increasing wage immobility.
The global “class war” seems to be hitting epic proportions with it now estimated that 1% of the worlds population will own half the world’s wealth by 2016.
The war on nature also continues unabated with a recent study by the Marine ecology progress series stating that in a business-as-usual
scenario, our demands on planet Earth could mount to
the productivity of 27 planets Earth by 2050 (
Z-Day 2015 London presents a series of brief talks focussing on these interconnected, complex and crucial issues focusing on everything from income inequality, employment, ecological destruction and our increasingly incompetent political and economic responses.
These will be described in contrast to the concepts that underpin the socio-economic model the movement advocates to resolve the root cause of these issues (A Natural Law Resource Based Economy) and how TZMUK intends to further the communication of this train of thought.
The emphasis this year is to seek participation and collaboration from all in attendance to work together in moving the cultural zeitgeist into a brighter future for all humanity.
David Dann (TZM London) kicks off the day with an introduction of the Zeitgeist Movement – why it exists, how it functions and what its goals are.
Ben Dyson (Positive Money) will then explore the mechanisms of fractional reserve banking, its failure in delivering economic stability via debt fuelled growth, and possible ways of addressing such failures.
Martin Wilkinson (The Equality Trust) will outline the debilitating affects of income inequality on human health and some ways in which we may go about reducing these negative tendencies and increase income equality.
David Wood (London Futurists) will address the ‘elephant in the room’ being largely ignored by politicians and economists. That being technological unemployment and some of the potential risks and benefits the coming wave of technological advancements will bring for society.
Dave Lucas (TZM London) will delve into the third industrial revolution as described in the work of Jeremy Rifkin as a context for introducing the many ideas and groups that people can get involved in that are attempting to make efforts to transition away from the current infinite growth paradigm.
Finally James Phillips (TZM Education) will provide an overview of the Natural Law Resource Based Economic model and how it draws from the issues raised by the other speakers in offering credible solutions for a sustainable future.
The event will draw to a close with a brief Q&A followed by an action session allowing all participants to get involved with TZMUK or the many other featured organisations at the day and help to shape a better future together.
“It is far easier to light a candle, than to curse the darkness”
Ancient Chinese proverb
Program for the day
10.30am – Doors open
11.30am – Introductory Video
11.35am – Welcome (James Phillips)
11.40am – Introduction to TZM (David Dann)
11.55am – Effects of fractional Reserve Banking on the Economy (Ben Dyson)
12.25pm – Effects of income inequality on Human Health (Martin Wilkinson)
12.55pm – Break (45 Mins)
1.40pm – Technological Unemployment (David Wood)
2.10pm – Third Industrial Revolution (Dave Lucas)
2.25pm – NLRBE explained (James Phillips)
2.55pm – Q&A Session
3.30pm – Discussion/How to get involved
5.00pm – End
We will be taking questions via email for the Q&A session here:
To save time please look through our current FAQ to see if your question has already been adequately addressed.
If anyone has special needs, disability requirements etc. or any other queries please or
There will be social gathering with 8 tables booked at a Weatherspoons bar (Penderel’s Oak) only a 4 min walk away after the event.
This is explicitly a non-profit event.
Purchase tickets here: